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Template: Codeview 1.2
Generated on: 2011-0-18 14:43

Class SimpleStorageCps

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
You should not instanciate this class directly.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
get(aKey, k)
Find the data associated to the given key.
has(aKey, k)
Check whether there is data associated to the given key.
remove(aKey, k)
Remove data associated with the given key.
set(aKey, aVal, k)
Store data for the given key.

Class Detail

You should not instanciate this class directly. Use SimpleStorage.createCpsStyle.

Method Detail

  • get(aKey, k)
    Find the data associated to the given key.
    {String} aKey
    The key used to identify your data.
    {Function} k
    A function that expects the javascript object you initially stored, or null.
  • has(aKey, k)
    Check whether there is data associated to the given key.
    {String} aKey
    The key.
    {Function} k
    A function that expects a boolean.
  • remove(aKey, k)
    Remove data associated with the given key.
    {String} aKey
    The key.
    {Function} k
    A function that expects a boolean telling whether data was actually removed or not.
  • set(aKey, aVal, k)
    Store data for the given key. It will erase any previous binding if any, and you'll lose the data previously associated with that key.
    {String} aKey
    The key.
    {Object} aVal
    The value that is to be associated with the key.
    {Function} k
    A function that expects one argument and will be called when the data is stored. The argument is true if the row was added, false if it was just updated.