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Namespace SimpleStorage

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The global SimpleStorage object.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Probably the easiest style to use.
This is another version of the API that offers the appearance of a synchronous API.
The main driver function for the iterator-style API.

Namespace Detail

The global SimpleStorage object. It has various method to instanciate a storage session with a given style. You should not have two different styles of API open at the same time on the same table.

Method Detail

  • <static> {SimpleStorageCps} SimpleStorage.createCpsStyle(aTblName)
    Probably the easiest style to use. Function just take a callback (or continuation) that will be called once the asynchronous storage operation is done.
    {String} aTblName
    The table name you wish to use. You can prefix it with your extension's GUID since it will be shared by all extensions running on the same profile.
  • <static> {SimpleStorageIterator} SimpleStorage.createIteratorStyle(aTblName)
    This is another version of the API that offers the appearance of a synchronous API. Basically, a call to get now returns a function that takes one argument, that is, the function that it is expected to call to restart the original computation. You are to use it like this:
     let ss = SimpleStorage.createIteratorStyle("my-tbl");
     SimpleStorage.spin(function anon () {
       let r = yield ss.get("myKey");
       // do stuff with r
       yield SimpleStorage.kWorkDone;
       // nothing is ever executed after the final yield call
    What happens is the anon function is suspended as soon as it yields. If we call f the function returned by ss.get("myKey"), then spin is the driver that will run f. Spin passes a function called "finish" to f, and once f is done fetching the data asynchronously, it calls finish with the result of its computation. finish then restarts the anon function with the result of the yield call being the value f just passed it.
    {String} aTblName
  • <static> SimpleStorage.createPromisesStyle(aTblName)
  • <static> SimpleStorage.spin(f)
    The main driver function for the iterator-style API.