module Types: sig
.. end
This module provides a variety of functions for dealing with types, mostly
built on top of
Convenient combinators.
Dealing with triples.
val fst3 : 'a * 'b * 'c -> 'a
val snd3 : 'a * 'b * 'c -> 'b
val thd3 : 'a * 'b * 'c -> 'c
val (!!) : TypeCore.typ -> TypeCore.var
Asserts that this type is actually a TyOpen
val (!!=) : TypeCore.typ -> TypeCore.var
Asserts that this type is actually a TySingleton (TyOpen ...)
val ( !* ) : 'a Lazy.t -> 'a
This is Lazy.force
val (>>=) : 'a option -> ('a -> 'b option) -> 'b option
for the option monad.
val (|||) : 'a option -> 'a option -> 'a option
operator for the option monad
val (^=>) : bool -> bool -> bool
The standard implication connector, with the right associativity.
val (|>) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b
The pipe operator.
Normalizing types.
These functions, when combined with TypeCore.modulo_flex
, allow one to
manipulate a "canonical" representation of a type, where permissions have
been stripped out and unfoldings have been performed. One will still want to
use Permissions.open_all_rigid_in
, though.
val expand_if_one_branch : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.typ -> TypeCore.typ
expand_if_one_branch env t
expands t
when t
is either a type
abbreviation, or a data type with one branch.
val collect : TypeCore.typ -> TypeCore.typ * TypeCore.typ list
collect t
syntactically separates t
into a structural part and a
permission part, i.e. it extracts all the permissions hidden inside t
returns them as a separate list.
Data types have branches. A branch has a _parent_ data type. branch
is the
type that represents an actual branch under a TyConcrete
; a branch in a
data type definition can be any type, most functions return a typ
val branches_for_branch : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.branch -> TypeCore.typ list
Given a branch
, get all the other branches of the parent type.
val branches_for_datacon : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.resolved_datacon -> TypeCore.typ list
Given a resolved_datacon
, get all the other branches of the parent type.
val branch_for_datacon : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.resolved_datacon -> TypeCore.typ
Given a resolved_datacon
, get the corresponding branch.
val fields_for_datacon : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.resolved_datacon -> list
Given a resolved_datacon
, get all its fields.
val flavor_for_datacon : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.resolved_datacon -> DataTypeFlavor.flavor
Given a resolved_datacon
, get its flavor.
Manipulating types.
Building types.
We provide a set of wrappers to easily build types. These often perform
extra checks.
val ty_unit : TypeCore.typ
Shortcut for the empty tuple TyTuple []
val ty_tuple : TypeCore.typ list -> TypeCore.typ
A tuple.
val (@->) : TypeCore.typ -> TypeCore.typ -> TypeCore.typ
An arrow. The operator has the right associativity.
val ty_bar : TypeCore.typ -> TypeCore.typ -> TypeCore.typ
ty_bar t1 t2
is TyBar (t1, t2)
is t2
is not TyEmpty
, t1
val ty_app : TypeCore.typ -> TypeCore.typ list -> TypeCore.typ
ty_app t ts
is TyApp (t, ts)
if List.length ts > 0
, t
val ty_equals : TypeCore.var -> TypeCore.typ
Shortcut for TySingleton (TyOpen _)
val ty_open : TypeCore.var -> TypeCore.typ
A open variable.
We provide a set of wrappers to inspect types.
val is_tyapp : TypeCore.typ -> (TypeCore.var * TypeCore.typ list) option
Works with either TyOpen
or TyApp
val is_star : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.typ -> bool
Calls modulo_flex
and expand_if_one_branch
before determining whether
it's a TyStar
or not.
val is_concrete : TypeCore.typ -> bool
Is this a concrete type?
val assert_concrete : TypeCore.typ -> TypeCore.branch
If you know this is a concrete type, extract the branch
val is_tyopen : TypeCore.typ -> bool
Is this an open variable?
val is_abbrev : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.var -> bool
Determines whether a variable corresponds to a type abbreviation definition.
val is_term : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.var -> bool
Has this variable kind term
val is_perm : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.var -> bool
Has this variable kind perm
val is_type : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.var -> bool
Has this variable kind type
val is_user : -> bool
Is this name user-provided?
Folding and flattening
val flatten_star : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.typ -> TypeCore.typ list
Transform a TyStar
into a flat list of permissions. This function performs
quite a bit of work to make sure there are no nested permissions: it calls
and expand_if_one_branch
and extract all permissions nested
in t
when it encounters x @ t
val fold_star : TypeCore.typ list -> TypeCore.typ
This function has a special case to make sure it doesn't introduce useless
val fold_forall : (TypeCore.type_binding * TypeCore.flavor) list ->
TypeCore.typ -> TypeCore.typ
Fold a type under a series of universal bindings.
val fold_exists : (TypeCore.type_binding * TypeCore.flavor) list ->
TypeCore.typ -> TypeCore.typ
Fold a type under a series of existential bindings.
Type traversals
val mark_reachable : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.typ -> TypeCore.env
Mark all type variables reachable from a type, including via the
ambient permissions.
Binding and instantiating
Binding types
val bind_datacon_parameters : TypeCore.env ->
Kind.kind ->
TypeCore.typ list -> TypeCore.env * TypeCore.var list * TypeCore.typ list
bind_datacon_parameters env k ts
takes the kind of the parent data type
, its branches ts
, and introduces open variables that stand for the data
type's parameters in all the branches.
val instantiate_type : TypeCore.typ -> TypeCore.typ list -> TypeCore.typ
instantiate_type t ts
substitutes the givens types t0, ..., tn
TyBound 0, ... TyBound n
in t
val find_and_instantiate_branch : TypeCore.env ->
TypeCore.var -> -> TypeCore.typ list -> TypeCore.typ
Find the branch and substitute the data type's parameters in it.
Various getters
val get_location : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.var -> TypeCore.location
val get_adopts_clause : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.var -> TypeCore.typ
val get_arity : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.var -> int
val get_kind_for_type : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.typ -> Kind.kind
val variance : TypeCore.env -> TypeCore.var -> int -> TypeCore.variance
Get the variance of the i-th parameter of a data type.
val fresh_auto_name : string ->
val make_datacon_letters : TypeCore.env -> Kind.kind -> bool -> TypeCore.env * TypeCore.var list
module TypePrinter: sig
.. end
Our not-so-pretty printer for types.