(* This file implements a destination-passing style, tail-recursive
* version of [List.map] for immutable lists. It uses a temporary mutable cell
* that is later on "frozen" when it's ready. *)
data list a = Cons { head: a; tail: list a } | Nil
data mutable cell a = Cell { head: a; tail: () }
(* This is the recursion loop, which turns [c0], an unfinished, mutable list
cell, into a well-formed, immutable list. *)
val rec map1 [a, b] (
f: (consumes a) -> b,
consumes c0: cell b,
consumes xs: list a
): (| c0 @ list b)
match xs with
| Nil ->
c0.tail <- xs;
tag of c0 <- Cons
| Cons { head = h; tail = t } ->
let h' = f h in
let c1 = Cell { head = h'; tail = () } in
c0.tail <- c1;
tag of c0 <- Cons;
map1 (f, c1, t)
(* We need to unroll the recursion to take into account empty lists. *)
val map [a, b] (f: a -> b, consumes xs: list a): list b =
match xs with
| Nil ->
| Cons { head; tail } ->
let c = Cell { head = f head; tail = () } in
map1 (f, c, tail);