Module GMap.S.Domain

module Domain: GSet.S  with type element = key

Elements are assumed to have a natural total order.
type element 

type t 

The empty set.
val empty : t

is_empty s tells whether s is the empty set.
val is_empty : t -> bool

singleton x returns a singleton set containing x as its only element.
val singleton : element -> t

cardinal s returns the cardinal of s.
val cardinal : t -> int

choose s returns an arbitrarily chosen element of s, if s is nonempty, and raises Not_found otherwise.
val choose : t -> element

mem x s returns true if and only if x appears in the set s.
val mem : element -> t -> bool

add x s returns a set whose elements are all elements of s, plus x.
val add : element -> t -> t

remove x s returns a set whose elements are all elements of s, except x.
val remove : element -> t -> t

union s1 s2 returns the union of the sets s1 and s2.
val union : t -> t -> t
val diff : t -> t -> t

inter s t returns the set intersection of s and t, that is, $s\cap t$.
val inter : t -> t -> t

disjoint s1 s2 returns true if and only if the sets s1 and s2 are disjoint, i.e. iff their intersection is empty.
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool

iter f s invokes f x, in turn, for each element x of the set s. Elements are presented to f in increasing order.
val iter : (element -> unit) -> t -> unit

fold f s seed invokes f x accu, in turn, for each element x of the set s. Elements are presented to f in increasing order. The initial value of accu is seed; then, at each new call, its value is the value returned by the previous invocation of f. The value returned by fold is the final value of accu. In other words, if $s = { x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n }$, where $x_1 < x_2 < \ldots < x_n$, then fold f s seed computes $(f\,x_n\,\ldots\,(f\,x_2\,(f\,x_1\,seed))\ldots)$.
val fold : (element -> 'b -> 'b) -> t -> 'b -> 'b

elements s is a list of all elements in the set s.
val elements : t -> element list

compare is an ordering over sets.
val compare : t -> t -> int

equal implements equality over sets.
val equal : t -> t -> bool

subset implements the subset predicate over sets.
val subset : t -> t -> bool